Utah Concealed Firearm Permit:
The Utah Concealed Firearm Permit is one of the most coveted concealed permits in the nation. The class length is a minimum of four hours of classroom instruction. The class will cover the curriculum set forth by the State of Utah. The cost of the class is $40.00 per student. Payments will be accepted at the start of each class. If you are willing to host a concealed firearm course and draw 8 or more people to the class, then the course will be free for the person hosting. You will still need to pay for the application fees. If a host is able to draw 15 or more people to the course, the course is free and the instructor will pay for the hosts application fee. All other students will still need to pay for the course and their application fees.
The instructor reserves the right to deny approval of a student for any reason such as their attitude or lack of aptitude. It is expected that students have a working knowledge of handguns prior to the attendance of this class. For those who need extra instruction, the instructor will provide additional coaching.
The class will include: a set of finger print cards, photo and the application to be submitted to the Utah BCI. This is a class; we are not the entity that issues the permit. Once a student has successfully completed the class and has the instructor’s stamp of approval, the student will have up to 12 months to submit their packet to the BCI. The student will need to submit their payment of $52.00 (For Utah residents) or $62.00 (for non-residents) to the BCI along with their paperwork from the class for the permit application process. The BCI will conduct a background check for the applicant and if the applicant passes, it can take up to 60 days to receive the permit.
Utah BCI Fee’s:
Utah State residents - $53.25
Out-of-State residents - $63.25
Renewals - $15.00
Replacement - $10.00
Prepay for the Utah CFP Course:
Those interested in the Provisional Permit are able to attend the regular Utah Concealed Firearm Permit Course.
Arizona CCW Course:
This course is 3 hours of classroom instruction. The course will include handgun safety, shooting fundamentals, loading/unloading, clearing malfunctions, firearm and ammo storage, types of ammo, holsters and concealed carry methods, weapons laws, self-defense laws to include use of force, permit application with instruction, fingerprint cards and much more. Students will bring their own firearm and a minimum of 50 rounds for the live fire exercise at the range. Students will receive a course completion certificate after the range portion of the class is successfully completed. Students will provide: hearing/eye protection, ammo, personal firearm and range fees. The instructor will provide everything needed for the classroom portion of the course (including permit application). Please do not bring firearms or ammo into the classroom. The cost of this course is $50.00.
** The Florida and Arizona Courses will not be on the schedule and are available only upon request **
Florida CCW Course:
Course is 4 hours of classroom instruction and will include a live fire training exercise at the range. The course will include handgun safety, shooting fundamentals, loading/unloading, clearing malfunctions, storage of firearms and ammunition, types of ammo, holsters and methods to carry concealed, weapons laws, Florida Statutes, permit application and application instruction, passport quality photo, fingerprint instruction and much more. Students will bring their own firearm and a minimum of 50 rounds for the live fire exercise at the range. Students will receive a course completion certificate after the range portion of the class is successfully completed. Students will provide: hearing/eye protection, their own firearm, ammo and range fees. The instructor will provide everything needed for the classroom portion of the course (including permit application). Please do not bring firearms or ammo into the classroom. The cost of this course is $75.00.
We offer 3 different courses for concealed carry. Our classes include the Utah Concealed Firearm Permit Course/The Utah Concealed Firearm Provisional Permit, Arizona CCW and Florida CCW. The Utah CFP course does not require a shooting portion to the course. Arizona & Florida CCW courses do have a shooting requirement. If you are willing to host a concealed firearm course and draw 8 or more people to the class, then the course will be free for the person who hosts/coordinates it. All others attending will still need to pay for the course and the class host/coordinator will still need to pay for their application fees. If a host/coordinator is able to draw 15 or more people to a concealed firearm course, the course is free and the instructor will pay for the hosts/coordinators application fees. All other participants will still need to pay for the course and the application fees.
Active Military: