It is our goal to educate business owners, employees, schools, teachers and individuals with the training they will need.  Upon request, we will instruct management teams on how to start a training program within your business.  We will act as a consultant to previous students when needed to ensure the best overall training.  We will also assist students with designated plans for their workplace and guide them through the drills. The course is about 4-6 hours long and is ideal for business owners and individuals.  Students will receive a certificate of completion once they successfully complete this course.

Active Shooter Course

The Arctive Shooter course is a basic starting point for people to learn how to respond to an active shooter situation

The Active Shooter Course is a non-shooting course and will educate people how to react/counter-act an active shooter situation.  Students will learn what precautions to make in their lives or workplace, how and where to take cover, what actions they will need to take to survive, what “everyday items” they can use to fight back with, what actions the concealed firearm permit holder can take and what actions not to take, how to designate rolls and train employees how to respond and much more.  Students will be given multiple scenarios to review and develop a plan of action as a team. 


Prepay for the Active Shooter Course:

We have seen too many cases of Active Shooters and the devastation they create.  This course has been blended and developed to utilize all functions available to the public.  The overall course goal is to avoid and survive the cowardice actions of an Active Shooter.  Whether you are a concealed firearm permit holder or animatedly against firearms, this course can provide you with the knowledge that could save you and others.  Our Active Shooter course is designed for everyone, as it should be! 

The cost of the course is $40 per student.  At the end of the course, the students will receive a course completion certificate and a student CD.